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Posts posted by Valso

  1. I'm not sure where to post this question and this subforum seems the best place for it.

    I'm looking for a band - not to play in it, but to listen to it. More specifically, I'm looking for a supposedly black metal band named "Helvetica". However, there are no black metal bands with that name on Metal Archives and that site is my only source of finding new bands.

    In this commercial you can see the band name on the drums, that's how I got the idea for the name:

  2. On 2/26/2012 at 7:40 PM, The Strategos said:

    Anybody else like soundtracks? I think that the soundtracks to 300 and X-Men: First Class are simply sensational - does anyone else have any favourites?

    I do. But they're too many to list them all here, so I figured I'd better post them as a screenshot of the playlists.


  3. I'm glad to see the forum is working fine now. Either the forum admins have given up on the services of the greengrocers (that's what I call cloudflare bc that's the only thing they're good for - selling groceries on the market), or the greengrocers have finally fixed their mess here. I already published one post elsewhere on the forum and I didn't have to wait a year for it to appear - that happened instantly, as it should.

  4. 11 hours ago, blaaacdoommmmfan said:

    Bit harsh on papa het. I preferred his old style singing on those classic first few albums. He had more energy in his vocals then. He's bit too croony for my liking these days but he's good singer. I think musically there not as interesting as they've been since cliff died. That's my main problem with them

    There are 2 Metallica songs that I like. One song has an instrumental version (meaning no Hetty in it, which is why I like that version only) - "King Nothing". The other song is "The Four Horsemen". Fortunately in this song his voice isn't that loud to bother me but I'd very much like to find an instrumental of that song as well.

  5. On 7/22/2022 at 1:19 AM, blaaacdoommmmfan said:

    Would you be a fan of them again if they went back to industrial again?

    Would an apology from the band help?

    If Lindemann returns to the band, yes, I would. I stopped listening to Nigthwish for the same reason - no more Tarya in the band.

    An apology would help only if they return to what they were, otherwise it's just words. "We're sorry we disappointed you but we got to greedy for money".

  6. Ever since I "returned" to this forum (I had forgotten about its existence) I noticed that posting has become really slow. 2 minutes ago I hit the "submit reply" in a topic and just a few seconds ago the post finally appeared in the topic. During that it was just "loading". This is the only forum on the internet that behaves like this. Both PING and TRACEROUTE are perfectly fine, so it's not my internet connection for sure! Even clicking on the code tag results in an endless circle spinning and the code field to enter text never appears which makes me think it's a JS problem. IPB boards are entirely JavaScript for quite some time. While typing this post, I clicked the code tag but it didn't appear, so I closed it. A few seconds later: "There was a problem loading this content!". Ofcourse I can manually type the code tags but that doesn't change the fact something is very wrong and slow with the forum.

    [CODE][rado@arch]: ~>$ ping10 metalforum.com
    PING metalforum.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.
    64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=3 time=0.787 ms
    64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=3 time=0.984 ms
    64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=3 time=0.934 ms
    64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=4 ttl=3 time=0.817 ms
    64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=5 ttl=3 time=0.837 ms
    64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=6 ttl=3 time=0.838 ms
    64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=7 ttl=3 time=0.890 ms
    64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=8 ttl=3 time=0.782 ms
    64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=9 ttl=3 time=0.954 ms
    64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=10 ttl=3 time=0.871 ms

    --- metalforum.com ping statistics ---
    10 packets transmitted, 10 received, 0% packet loss, time 9014ms
    rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.782/0.869/0.984/0.066 ms
    [rado@arch]: ~>$ traceroute metalforum.com
    traceroute to metalforum.com (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
     1  router.asus.com (  0.318 ms  0.299 ms  0.285 ms
     2 (  0.594 ms  0.580 ms  0.631 ms
     3 (  1.223 ms  0.934 ms  0.921 ms
     4 (  1.121 ms  0.975 ms  1.096 ms
     5  cloudflare.bix.bg (  1.531 ms  1.518 ms  1.807 ms
     6 (  0.972 ms  0.797 ms  0.777 ms[/CODE]

  7. 2 hours ago, Sardonicist said:

    Intellectually I don't hate religious people

    Oh, I don't hate them either. But I know what they're capable of, so I prefer to keep my distance from them, especially from the parasites wearing black robes, also known as "priests".

    Here's the full version of the image I posted above, it's just a small example of what religious people are capable of. If I start listing everything I know and everything I or my family members have ever experienced with them (the bigger part is related to the black robes parasites), I'll hit the "submit reply" button next week...


  8. On 4/2/2020 at 1:00 AM, blaaacdoommmmfan said:

    I was reading about how suicide silence really annoyed there fans with a change of direction from deathcore to a nu metal .the fans were highly fu*ked  about this.???? They've gone heavy again apparently.(never listened to them) 

    what  other bands have really annoyed there fans so much that a big part of the audience never had much to do with them again. There's got to be some good ones surely. I know of a few but would like to find out what others have to say about this. 

    IDK about other people, but I know which band pissed me off - Rammstein. IDK why or when but they're no longer industrial metal, they're... something else. That's why I haven't updated my collection and stick to my favorite 20 songs only.


  9. 7 hours ago, Sardonicist said:

    Religion is not immediately threatening me in my daily life

    I'm sure this guy said the same to himself and it didn't end well for him. This is just one example of why I stay away from religious people. They're ticking timebombs waiting to blow up in your face the moment you say something that doesn't praise the sky pedophile.


  10. 14 hours ago, KillaKukumba said:

    What if they are lovingly fondled by the warm, soft hands of religion?

    There's no such a thing as "loving hands" with religion. Religion is just horror and hatred disguised as love (all religious are disguised as love) and there's plenty of evidence for that: the few hundred bodies of children found near a Canadian catholic school a year or two ago; the hundreds, if not thousands, of children raped by catholic priests over the last 200 years alone, not to mention before that; the millions of adults, children and even animals killed in the 1000 years of Dark Age by the loving religion after they've been accused to be "witches"; or the torture devices invented by the Spanish Inquisition which was catholic - that's a great example of love!; or if we go back to more recent times - the genocide in 1994 in Africa commited by the loving priests of the catholic church.......

    Don't forget that the book of the christian imaginary friend is full of murders and commandments to kill people, including children and pregnant women!


    And the christian religion isn't the only monster always lurking under the children's bed! The muslim religion is exactly the same - 9/11, that French magazine that was bombed for ridiculing the arabs' imaginary friend, adult male get married to 5-6 years old little girls in the muslim world and kill them by brutal sex (there were some artices a few years ago about a 40+ yo muslim who brutally raped his 6 yo bride and she died) but he wasn't punished bc in that world she was his property and that's not just an isolated case in the totally messed up muslim world...

    You know how to use Google, look up all these cases yourself, then keep telling yourself religion and the imaginary friend are love... 🤣

  11. On 10/18/2018 at 9:54 PM, MetalheadFromBama said:

    are there any crazy teenage memories that forum members would like to share?

    Does having a gay sex in a church under jebus' gaze with my first male love count as "crazy teenage memory"? :D

  12. AFAIK, I was. But here's an irony - I'm an atheist and I've always been an atheist, since day 1 when my mom tried to brainwash me with her imaginary friend in the clouds.

    If I ever have kids, they won't be mentally raped with religion, therefore won't be baptized.

  13. I don't organize them in albums, if that's what you're asking. I keep one folder with the band name and in it there are the songs I like. Only those I like. Those that I don't like - I delete them. That's why my folder with Satyricon has only 11 songs. All enumerated bc I like listening to them in a specific order.

    The only band whose almost entire discography I like (minus 4-5 songs) is Thyrfing. Thus I have one folder named Thyrfing with 55 songs in it.

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