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Posts posted by Sindod

  1. hay everyone! I’m working on a project & I have a few songs ready, that is, I’ve recorded vocals & electric guitars. but I’ve written bass & drums in guitar pro. considering I cannot add anybody to my band at this point because am in Iran & I must work solo as of yet, anybody know any virtual programs they’ve worked with that can simulate a relatively realistic sound for drums & bass? realistic enough to go in a first record? 


  2. low quality oldschools and epic black/dooms like summoning and Dreams of Nature are my favorites ; especially when at a winter night, alone in the mountain & these hard little hailstones which feel like oldschool black are hitting my face

    On 1/20/2018 at 9:20 AM, Ikard said:

    I'm not sure if I'm describing this correctly but I like punk-ish(or thrashy) sounding Black Metal. Definitely love first wave. As far as second wave I dig Krypt, Darkthrone, Carpathian Forest, Gorgoroth all of which to me sound punk and or thrash influenced. Definitely appreciate atmospheric sounds but I tend to reach for Funeral Doom when I'm feeling that vibe.

    yeah right, i'm also not sure what's the relation here with oldschool punkrock. but I also find them similar. and it's not just me, if you look at darkthrone, there are a lot of stuff directly called punk even, and I recall Nergal once said that behemoth's music is continuation of oldschool punkrock in his interview for Satanica dvd. 

  3. not sure if they're considered folk-metal but "Cult of Fire" is your demon, there also songs from Nile, Behemoth, Therion, Melechesh, etc. that revolve around Hindu practices particularly. but I seriously think that we need some great new bands to explore that field 

  4. Rust - Darkthrone
    Endings and Continuations - Dimmu
    Materal - Enslaved
    Natural Liberation Of Fear - Nile
    Face of God -HIM
    Defiling Morality of Black God - Behemoth

    of course pretty much anything from these bands and others like Satyricon, Borknagr, Summoning, etc. but these six are examples of my most favorites 

  5. wrote this a few days ago after meditating on the creeping apocalypse, but since I may actually be singing this in a song, I won't share it in full, just the second verse :

    I tread over the broken stones
    of Hammurabi's law, the father’s law
    in & out of many worlds, I rape
    to awake the quantum devouring core
    I am the meditator of Ragnarok
    the Deity of All, None, One
    I am the indefinite tremours
    that lives by the power of his origin

  6. hay everybody; 'tis Sindod from Iran. it’s a decade am a metalhead and I play electric & bass guitar. particularly love freerunning in the forest while listening to Darkthrone, Dimmu n Summoning, but I listen & play all sorts of black & death & inbetweens. as a practitioner of Tantra, I find black metal a music fitting for mystics and magicians, as it is also mostly performed in a spiritual and magical context.

    may I use this oppurtunity to say, I’m also looking for a metalhead that lives in Turkey, to be my most credible source of information, since I wanna travel there in a short time

    cheers everyone n
    \m/  Stay Evil  \m/

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