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Posts posted by ChainsawAkimbo

  1. 19 hours ago, TRPD said:

    Hello! I would be interested in taking a shot and laying down some vocals. I was wondering if you had lyrics in mind or a vocal direction? 

    Someone managed to reach out to me before you yesterday.. so i´ll show him respect and won´t date more than one person at a time.. Sorry for not responding sooner, but i wasn´t finished talking to the other guy yesterday, and was so tired and mentally drained after a superlong day that i just couldn´t do any more interactions.. needed my downtime and sleep! :)  

  2. Allright.. as much as i hate to admit it.. it takes far more effort than i can manage at this moment to get vocals recorded on my own. It´s a lot of trial and error, and gazillion takes to get just something little bit recorded (it´s quite possibly i´m too harsh critic, but so far i´ve hated everything i´ve recored.. so to the trash it goes).

    I was wondering if theres maybe someone  who might be willing to give it a try? Really, really gritty male vocals, and/or some female vocals preferably.. but i am willing to give everything a chance. Here´s the current song in need of finishing.. I would REALLY appreciate any help i can get.

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/25tpd58c2dyw98f/2019 Project 18 reworked 2017 project 26d .mp3?dl=0

  3. 58 minutes ago, GothExplorer said:

    We are now in danger of getting seriously off topic, and I am also aware of the site rules on civil discourse.

    Nevertheless, I am astonished that anyone buys into this nonsense about humans today having caveman ancestors.  Yes, some people used to live in caves in times past, and some people in some parts of the world still live in caves today.  But guess what - they are not primitive..  In fact, some of them have flat screen television.

    It stands to reason that very few people have ever lived in caves at any point in the past, because there are not that many caves out there for people to live in.  Be honest - which one of us knows of a habitable cave within a twenty mile radius of where they are right now.  I certainly don't.




    Ehr.. ok. You just completely denied an entire field of scientific study, evolution and few other things while at it. And surely you know that the word "caveman" is not to be taken literally? It´s just a common expression of a Paleolithic era humans.. ? 

    Here is one interesting article (and a little quote from it), among thousands of others to read on the subject:

    "Emotions Before Reason. In an uncertain world, those who survived always had their emotional radar—call it instinct, if you will—turned on. And Stone Age people, at the mercy of wild predators or impending natural disasters, came to trust their instincts above all else. That reliance on instinct undoubtedly saved human lives, allowing those who possessed keen instincts to reproduce. So for human beings, no less than for any other animal, emotions are the first screen to all information received.

    Today businesspeople are often trained to dispense with emotions in favor of rational analysis and urged to make choices using logical devices such as decision trees and spreadsheets. But evolutionary psychology suggests that emotions can never fully be suppressed. That is why, for instance, even the most sensible employees cannot seem to receive feedback in the constructive vein in which it is often given. Because of the primacy of emotions, people hear bad news first and loudest."

  4. Maybe it's the same thing that makes men the majority in comedy. Pre-historic mating genes require us to show off, make people laugh and attract the attention of the females, even using props when necessary, where women mainly focus on being pretty and desireable, therefore attracting mating attempts that way. I don't think that people understand or give enough credit how much the caveman impulses drive the decisions and our actions even in modern world. Without culture, deep down we are nothing but animals.

  5. No doubt it's the word "perkele".


    "noun, Finnish.
    Most likely the most powerful curseword ever created by mankind. Cannot be translated without loss. Versatile word that can be used alone or repeated indefinitely.
    Originally name of the tunder god. In the christian era used as a name of the Satan. Perkele is such a powerful word, bacause it includes both of these connotations and in addition is very often associated with 'sisu', the attitude of never ever giving up."

  6. Talk about nonsense and not understanding cause and effect.


    1.There are more women in metal these days, because metal is much more mainstream music than it used to be. Way more people are into it = also more women are into it. 


    2.No metal fan gives a fuck what is between your legs. I know metal fans from both genders, from many different professions and people who are in hugely different places in their lives. Just horns up and mosh away.


    3. Why on earth should gender diversity be forced? How about let anyone enjoy whatever they like?


    4.If you experience garbage behaviour at a metal concert, it's because there is a garbage human being around. It has nothing to do with the music. There are some worthless people everywhere where is a crowd.


    5.The satanism part is not even worth a reply. This subject was exhausted allready back in the 90s.


    6.Blaming music (or ANYTHING else) for events like columbine is again just trying forcibly find just something, anything to blame it on. These people committing these acts would find any, just any excuse to commit their murderous fantasies. Not one normal, sane person has ever gone on a murder spree, bullied or not, playing videogames or not, listening to metal or not. Making these absolute nutcases into some kind of victims, instead of seeing them as homicidal psychopaths is "understanding" taken too far.


    Ooops, looks like your survey ticked some of my boxes to catch my full attention, unfortunately it didn't tick a single good box. Now grow some sense, be metal as fuck and get respect, or go shake in your safe spot or whatever you uni folks do these days in the u.s..


    (I apologize if i took it too far, i'm just rarely annoyed at this level) ?

  7. Quote

    How old are you?



    How do you define yourself by genre (e.g. Death Metal, Black Metal, Doom Metal or other)?

     I really don´t. I like to make, and listen to all kinds of metal.. and plethora of other genres too..


    Where do you currently buy most of your music, clothes, accessories?

    I am a sinner, the worst kind. When i was younger.. i used to spend all my extra money on music. These days however, i don´t even own any cd´s. I just use streaming services. Tidal, Spotify and youtube mostly. 


    Are you in a band?

    Not in the traditional sense anymore. I have my solo projects, and i have projects with my friends. 


    Have you used an album cover/logo-design provider?

    No, but allready have one in mind.. 


    How did you source your provider?

    Metal forum \m/ 


    Were you happy with the result/cost?

    Sure as shit will be. :D 

  8. 9 hours ago, Athame said:

    Any Resident Evil fans here ? It saddens me that they are literally crushing the franchise right now, these new fans came from fortnite to this all new edition of Resident Evil 2 and they think they have the certified badge to say what the franchise should be... ohhh no I have that certified badge, I've been with this franchise since 1999 when I was 5 years old playing RE2 and I can say for sure that Resident Evil 2 is a lazy game. Take a look at a video by crowbcat called '300 IQ Experiments' if you don't believe me...how can a 2019 modern day video game be finished in 50 mins ? RE4 came out 15 years ago and it's impossible to finish within this time, it brings nothing new to the table its not scary, A and B Scenarios makes no sense. And now we have RE3 which was done in only 1 year but yet no one cares....Nemesis looks lame, Caution tapes around him, for real ? And not only that, no more Mercenaries mode, no timed events which was a very unique feature that no other RE had and added replayability, no multiple endings, no classic soundtrack, the game will be short again they already confirmed the size will be only 21GB and look what I'm saying, this new RE3 will get high scores and everyone will love just like RE2. People nowadays only cares about graphics and presentation. Resident Evil is dead....Sad. 

    I was more or less crucified when i mentioned i didn't see the point of playing these remakes MYSELF because theres always emulators with graphical enhancements and they are good enough for me. Apparently, i wasn't allowed to prefer the originals, and was a big criminal for not endorsing the remakes wholeheartedly. ?

    That said, not the biggest fan of game series either, but i've had fun with some of them.

  9. 2 minutes ago, BlindOwl said:

    In this case is tricky beacuse in order to offer the lowest rate possible to help out anyone financing him/herself, rates will most likely be different for each project. For example, let's suppose your mix had problems and I knew addressing them would take me exxxtra time, then maybe I would have said 35euros. Most mastering studios have a flat rate, because they set it at a very safe average.

    Got ya. :)

  10. Thats extremely friendly indeed, thats basically half of the average rate so very generous of you. Thanks for the quick response. I´ll contact you when i´m finished with the track so you got a customer, if it´s a returning one.. time will tell. :) 

    t´s not going to be an intrumental when finished btw, some clean and some growling vocals. I´ve never heard or seen anywhere, that the type of the song would effect the price of mastering? Mixing is a whole different animal since some songs can have ie.8 tracks where others can have 50. Maybe i completely misunderstood you and you actually didn´t consider that as a factor for the mastering process. 

    I´d rather do the mixing myself, i quite enjoy it and i´m learning more and more every day.. especially now that i finally got a decent pair of studio monitors. I´m not exactly sure why it´s a tricky question to answer? Most mastering studios offer their pricing on their websites, transparency in costs will mean more business! :) 

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