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Dima Simon

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Posts posted by Dima Simon

  1. Hi All, 

    I am a musician from UK who creates and produces his own music. Recently I have decided to start uploading my music so that i can share it with other people who are interested in metal music as much as i am. A few words about my music. I am mostly creating melodic death metal music with modern influences in a form of instrumentals. I am planning to further develop this idea and try to make it more interesting and more entertaining with time. As for now i would like to share this project with you guys and if necessary get some feedback out of it. I am leaving a link to Youtube with a song that i recently have uploaded. And for those who will find what i do interesting there is also a Facebook page. Thank you all and hope you will enjoy it. Cheers!  

    Youtube - 


    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/DimaSimonMusic/?fref=ts


  2. Hey, my name is Dima Simon and i recently live in UK, Plymouth. I am a guitarist/songwriter who is searching for bands or band members. I've been recording songs with my own equipment and i would like to share some of my stuff with you. Song with vocals from my page: https://soundcloud.com/dima-simon-1/dima-simon-the-day-it-rainedft-costa Full page: https://soundcloud.com/dima-simon-1 Hope you enjoy listening to it.

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