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Posts posted by sleastak

  1. Yeah, I liked the Dethklok one. Iceni, you're one of the only people to notice where Maruchan came from. :lol: Honestly, I was eating noodles while creating my new PSN account and my friend just shouted "Maruchan!" to go with the name. If it wasn't for him, I would've put Akuma_Ryu_Senshi or something. Long story short, Maruchan seemed to kinda fit. :D That and I really like noodles... :?

  2. I got locked out of my old account. :\ So I made another account.Nothing's really changed since my last visit. Except that it's my birthday today.Nice to meet you all (again).
    I forgot my password to my account here AND my email. So I had to sign up again. :\
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