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Posts posted by Carmilla1

  1. I've always liked songs with 'good' lyrics - something meaningful or which makes you think. I studied poetry in my English Literature A-level and also as a module at university, so I appreciate a good lyric. Not always, sometimes lyrics don't need to be particular profound. Probably my favorite is Priest's Beyond the Realms of Death. Then, I also like Saint Vitus' The Psychopath because of how it slowly builds tension and works with the instrumental to tell the story. Similar to Nick Cave's Song of Joy in that respect IMO, as that leaves little clues as the song progresses that the narrator is the murderer.

  2. The power of Google' date=' eh? It's actually Germanic although used vaguely in Celtic mythology.[/quote'] I see that I have been somewhat neglectful not noticing the last few posts here till now.:D Not to worry. Yes I am in fact female. Anyway, as for my forum name, I got 'Isolde' from Wagner's opera Tristan und Isolde, which is based on a medieval French Arthurian tale Tristan and Iseult (I think 'Isolde' is just the Germanised spelling) and is itself inspired by Celtic myth as I understand it, you're correct. I used to be more into classical and opera and I liked Wagner a lot, though technically this particularly work of his is not my favorite, I just like the name Isolde.
  3. I like Lady Gaga - she's quite good for the kind of stuff she does - she has a good voice. Also, I like some of Kyle's songs - Obviously 'can't get you outta my head' is annoyingly catchy, but I think 'Confide in me' and 'Where the wild roses grow' which she did with Nick Cave are actually good. I don't mind some of Lana del Rey's songs, they can be quite interesting. I also like Joy Division, New Order and Depeche Mode. Probably the only 'guilty pleasures' are S club 7, as I liked them when I was little :)

  4. My parents have taken me to see The Rolling Stones twice - Once for the 2006 Bigger Bang tour at Sheffield when I'd just turned 11. And the other for their 50th anniversary tour in Hyde Park. I guess I've been to their concerts three times technically if you count when my mum was pregnant with me when she and my dad went to the Sheffield concert for the 1995 Voodoo Lounge tour, haha. Must have been pretty far into her pregnancy as well considering that was on the 9th July 1995 says wikipedia and I was born a month later on the 24th August... That's dedication. :) I'm not especially into the stones myself, but still it is a good experience. Otherwise, I haven't been to any concerts by bands I really like - I only really want to see Black Sabbath and Judas Priest, and possibly Iron Maiden if it was at a festival, but I'm not into them enough to want to go if it was them alone. I wouldn't mind seeing King Diamond - or Mercyful Fate if they ever do any touring at some point.

  5. That album is great' date=' Gypsy is everything I look for in an early heavy metal song.[/quote'] Isn't it just - when I heard it, I thought 'yes, this is definitely my kind of thing' ...and the other songs are great too. The whole thing really seems to flow together as a succession of greatness.
  6. My Metal breakthrough was when my dad had a cd on in his car (probably from Prog Magazine) and Dream Theater - A Rite Of Passage came on and I was speechless at when I heard the guitar come in' date=' (I believe this was on my way to my grandparents) I asked him when we got there, "hey ya know that band we listened to in the car, do you have any of their albums? And he gave me that album and a few others from different bands including Motörhead - Ace Of Spades Judas Priest- British Steel and Black Sabbath - Paranoid. I still listen to Dream Theater now and again.[/quote'] Similar story really. I can't remember exactly what band or song it was, but I definitely recall a similar thing with the 'Epiphany' so to speak of hearing some incredible guitar work and vocals (so very likely to have been Judas Priest considering they are my favorite). Like you, it was my dads influence and his music collection what did it - mostly 60s/70s stuff, so Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, Deep Purple, Uriah Heep (Only recently listened to them myself though) among others. I got really into Judas Priest especially their 70s stuff and it kind of snowballed from there really - I listened to my dad's stuff first, then progressively on to Metallica and Megadeth (though I'm not massively into either, nor Iron Maiden that much either) and also a limited amount of Hellhammer/Celtic Frost. I then joined this forum and made more discoveries in black, doom and death metal, which I hadn't previously listened to very much. Also got really into Mercyful Fate (who are now definitely in my absolute favourites along with Priest and Sabbath, while some others come in and out of fashion as it were). So thanks to peoples suggestions here, they are very much appreciated :)
  7. Uriah Heep - Very 'Eavy... Very 'Umble(album). I've been wanting to get round to listening to Uriah Heep seeing as I like my 70s classic rock/hard rock/metal - and after all my dad recommends them (more specifically this album)and he has/had many good records which he got in the 60s/70s, so I often like to raid his collection. lol :)

  8. The Gathering - Mandylion. Having a listen to this album, which I haven't done before - it's so beautiful and atmospheric - the singer's voice and the instrumentals all together make for a wonderful listen. Really, almost hypnotic. I love things like this. :) I wish I'd heard it before.

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