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Posts posted by DisturbedFan

  1. Not a lot of people call Disturbed metal, but I do respectably. They may not be the hardest metal band out there like Death Metal, but they have a few songs like Stricken, Warrior, and their cover for Land of Confusion that seems to be metal. Even if they aren't, because a lot of people say they're not, I can still like their music and call them Rock. I just call them metal because they're the starting band that got me into metal.

  2. What is your favorite type of music or metal to play or listen to the drums on? Personally as a drummer, I love Death Metal, and more specfically Melodic Death Metal. I have played part of Take This Life by In Flames (which kills your hands), and I'm trying to play the whole song, which is not easy. But also the, I like playing Technical Death Metal like Nile. This would include Blast Beasts, and I thought they sound cool and they're not too hard to play. Wjat are your thoughts?

  3. I can't remember where I went to see this concert, or the exact date because it was a while ago and I didn't keep any tickets etc. Mh first concert was Disturbed in 2010 during their Asylum tour. I suprisingly liked it, being that I liked Disturbed, but didn't really like the Asylum album that much. My favorite part was Asylum and Warrior. It was incredible live. It's ultimately what inspired me to become a drummer, and the only concert I've been to since then was a town one, which was ok. I plan on going to Warped Tour to see Attila and Born of Osiris mainly. Sorry for any wrong spelling, the type scrolls weird on my phone and is impossible to correct.

  4. Hello everyone, it's DisturbedFan here. You can also call me Brandon, it does not matter. I'm from New York, and love metal. I'm 17, and I'm in a band currently and plan on going all the way. I have strong views and music taste for a 17little year old, and I can bring good topics to mind. I currently play in my band Panic Switch, which was formed January of this year. I play drums, and started when I turned 13. A lot.of people wonder about how I can play metal at my age and experience, and it just came naturally. Panic Switch is a hard rock band, and we're currently putting together an album, but we're taking our time. Our album will also feature a cover of "Hit the Lights" by Metallica. With that aside, I can blast beat, double bass, and I.have really.nice solos and beat keeping. The only downside I have is it takes me a little time to learn a song, and I don't read music, I learn by ear. Finally, my favorite bands are In Flames, Metallica, Disturbed, System of a Down, and Nile. Hope to get to know you all!

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