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Posts posted by violetdragon

  1. I really enjoyed it, and in hindsight I am glad it has been split into three. I found the first film seemed to move fairly slowly while the second got stuck into the story a lot more. I was particularly looking forward to seeing Smaug, and the scene with the barrels (one of my favourite scenes from the book) which was very funny! I liked the ending too, a nice cliffhanger! 7/10

  2. Aww' date=' that's nice! I have a little black and white moggie called Ozzy (pretty metal name, right?). He's a rescue, too I think. Spends most of his time terrorising the dog, haha![/quote'] Ha, yes a very good name choice! Libby was named at the rescue centre, but I wish I'd named her Smaug as she can have a pretty ferocious temper! My dog is outnumbered by cats so is also slightly terrorised... :lol: Thanks for the welcome. I like various sub-genres, but compared to many here I still have a lot to explore which I'm looking forward to doing. Thanks for the prior warning, I guess I'll see you around then! :P
  3. Hey' date=' nice to meet you! That kitty is so cute! :D[/quote'] Hey, thanks! Haha that is my cat Libby, a rescue tortoiseshell with a huge attitude, and a love for cramming herself in cardboard boxes. Unfortunately she's not a metal fan, so she's acquired the nickname "Jazz-Cat" :lol:
  4. Ouch. Should be fine' date=' just keep it clean... Mine healed up very quickly. Glad I took it out before my son was born, though.[/quote'] I have a fairly high pain tolerance, so found the piercing itself fine, this is much worse. I've heard it heals very quickly so fingers crossed :) I'm glad I got it, I don't see many people with septum piercings where I live. Thanks for the heads up :)
  5. Eating: Nothing Drinking: Coffee, mainly so I can use my new Thor mug... :DListening: Tool Doing: Well, I *should* be doing boring house chores, too busy nosing round this forum though, oops. Thinking: My nose hurts. Had my septum pierced on Friday, didn't hurt at the time. 2 days later and an accidental punch to the face (!) and it's safe to say its quite painful :(

  6. When I'm walking through the city. I'm a fast walker' date=' and good metal makes it even better.[/quote'] Same here, I used to have a stressful hour commute to and from uni each day and listening to metal was the only thing that could get me through it. I also enjoy car journeys with my mum and sister as we all listen to metal so take turns plugging our iPods in and sharing new music with each other. So grateful that I don't have to endure trash UK radio stations when travelling with them! ;)
  7. Hello to the Metal Forum! I'm Laura, and I live in North West UK. I've been listening to metal for about 10 years, and was lucky enough to grow up with pretty awesome metalhead parents! I love finding new bands so hope to discover more through this forum. I enjoy music, festivals, kick boxing (only a white belt) and Tolkien, to name some interests. So hello to everybody! :D

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