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Posts posted by LLUA

  1. Thank you all for the welcome :) I like this forum, And yeah I have alot more solos in other songs, the song im currently writing is essentially just one big solo, Ill post it on here when its done its pretty sweet

  2. I'm usually against drinking because it makes me feel like crap, As for smoking weed though, I support marijuana 100%, I don't see anything wrong with getting high off of weed here and there, It's great for when you need to focus, Or if your listening to music, It even gives you inspiration. So I'm all for marry J, But as for other things,like hard drugs, Can't say that I haven't done any, But I cant say that I support them like I do marry J.

  3. Well, I'm the one man group of LLUA, A progressive slash death project. From Spartanburg SC, I listen to just about everything from death to black to core to classic rock, I listen to it all. I'm also heavy into online communities. WxGkRilmMtA

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