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Posts posted by KSMASH

  1. They don't seem like your kind of black metal, but they certainly don't deserve all of the shit they get leveled at them. They tend to be grouped in with blasturbation bands that put extremity over substance like Dark Funeral and Enthroned because of Frost's intense drumming, but they are much more intricate and actually write memorable and engaging material. It turns out that the drummer who was standing in for Frost on this tour plays in Job For a Cowboy, no fucking wonder...
    I saw them with the same drummer at Area 51 and he played all the songs i know just fine. Sent from my SM-G386T using Tapatalk
  2. Tried a couple songs from the new Paradise Lost album. Uninspired melodies over bland chord progressions with less-than-captivating song structure... No thanks. NP: Skinless - Only The Ruthless Remain, which seems nearly as bland so far. Argh. I like some of the old stuff from both bands. I want them to put out good albums. Oh well.
    I like that i've read multiple reviews of the new Skinless where they preface with "I don't like a lot of brutal death metal, but I like Skinless"... oh, so you like the band that had that one popular album with the funny song titles. I see.
  3. I ate some Brussels sprouts yesterday and 30 minutes later i was wrecked. Had to call in sick to work, might have to do so today as well. I only suspect the Brussels sprouts due to the time frame and that they were the only abnormal thing I ate yesterday. It felt like I had stomach flu but I still managed to eat small amounts of solid food. It totally sucked and I wish a good night's rest would have helped but I still feel icky...

  4. A dramatic turn of events is my favourite recent album, Breaking all illusions is a brilliant track! my favourite album is Metropolis Pt. 2 but train of thought comes close :) NP - Opeth - Pale Communion
    I quite enjoy Octavarium for their more modern stuff and the live album Score. I rarely listen to them anymore but I don't really understand all the DT hate in the metal community.
  5. I love a good cider, but currently I'm drinking beer. Started with Escape to Colorado IPA from Epic, one of my favorite session IPAs with tropical hop characteristics and a clean finish. Next up was Bohemian's Czech Pilsener, nothing extraordinary but hits all the right notes for the style. Samuel Smith's Nut Brown provided a creamy and smooth counterbalance to the skunky and hoppy flavors from earlier. Now: Hazed Hoppy Session Ale from Boulder Beer Co in Colorado. I can't taste a damn thing in this beer.... very bland amber-ish.... "sessionable" shouldn't mean a complete lack of flavor!!!

  6. Devil May Cry 3...I forgot how INSANELY DIFFICULT this game can be. It's awesome but starting in Dante Must Die mode was a terrible idea. Yep black metal and video games - ancient hangover cure
    I'm also recovering from a wicked hangover with the help of metal and video games, specifically GTA San Andreas and Neuraxis.
  7. Our drummer was saying that he had tried to book the show' date=' but the booking agent didn't respond to his offer after asking him to bid on it. He ended up booking the show with another promoter, and now the show was cancelled due to "issues with the promoter". Fucking idiots could have just taken the offer they had asked for originally and not had any issues, and now they're out a tour date's worth of expenses.[/quote'] Damn I heard it was because it wasn't selling well, but i guess that can be a promoter issue as well! I don't think the booking guy has any idea about a lot of basic shit that goes with booking a show. We've had weird ones with him before, like when he booked us while another local show was going on next door (which he completely neglected to mention to any of the bands). The two venues were sharing sound guys and no one had any idea what the fuck was going on. I'm still bummed about tonight, but maybe it's better that all the fuckery happened before the show.
  8. I'm in a familiar but weird mood where I want to listen to music - metal' date=' even - but nothing I own appeals to me. I kind of hate it. Opeth is the closest thing to fitting my mood at the moment, but I've played their albums so many times it's like I hardly even hear them when they're on.[/quote'] I know the feeling and i always hate it when i get into those moods. jamming on my guitar usually helps or listening to something that's completely outside of my regular listening.
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