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Posts posted by Soulhengedrummer

  1. You can check out my work under the following link:

    Unfortunately you don't see me very often. i record everything on midi with my edrums at home and send it to our guitarists and they add the sound of drums they want.
  2. Hello everybody, I'm nearly 19 years old and living in Luxemburg. I really started playing drums three years ago. since nearly one year I am in the band SOULHENGE. I have problem to motivate myself to practice new things:cool:. So I'm not exclusively listening to metal, but also to every other genre of music. I'm started to listen more to metal since I'm in the band. At home I play on a Roland TD9 edrum, of which our guitarist is not amused at all, because he thinks that on stage that would not look so awesome. But at our rehearsals I play on a second, acoustic drums which is a bit old. ( I'm crashing it sometime, it will die and fall to pieces).

  3. So hey guys, I have a band called Soulhenge. We play mostly our own created songs, just the guitarists are making covers of metal songs. You can check our work out at Youtube or Soundcloud (where you can download some tracks). We finally found a singer and a bassist last year and we can now practice as a whole metalband since 4 months. I hope you like our work. Below you can find the links. MicrowavesFromSpace (Soulhenge) - YouTube https://soundcloud.com/soulhenge

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