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Posts posted by Cambo

  1. Slipknot. Yes. Korn. I think no. P.O.D. Yes Avenged Sevenfold. I haven’t heard one of their songs. I have a live DVD of theirs, but I got bored at the main menu. Linkin Park. No. System of a Down. Definitely metal. Godsmack. No – hard rock. Disturbed. Yes, metal. Rob Zombie. Yes, metal Rammstein. Yes. I have a curly one, was Alice In Chains metal?

  2. I believe in ghosts and such because I've experienced 'spiritual' things. This includes encountering a ghost spirit in my uncle's holiday house when I was young, and also experiencing things when I was uhhh... religious. I do want to point out how funny it is that people flatly deny anything happens after we die, because there really hasn't been anyone come back from death and tell us. Nobody knows, nobody is an expert!

  3. DT is one of my favourite bands, and I go through periods of listening to a lot of them, then cycling between other bands I like. Favourite songs are Dry Run (love the guitar work), Monochromatic Stains (wish the quality was better. Mastering?), The Mundane & The Magic, pretty much all of The Gallery, Haven and The Sun Fired Blanks. I recently revisited The Gallery on a long bus ride, and it blew my mind again.

  4. It is sad, and I think it is a reflection of the total saturation of the heavy metal music market in our time. You find that the bands at the moment who burst on the scene because they were marketed well by the record companies are paid at least as equally as veterans like Dark Tranquility, who were seminal in their time. It's not fair, it's not right - but that's the way it is unfortunately. We can blame marketing. And capitalism. And sheep-like followers of bands. I just fucking hate marketing. So much. The record cover looks cool, the musicians are all tattooed and look hard-ass, the album/group got a 'review' by a magazine. You buy the record and it is complete and utter shit (By that I mean it sounds like every other 'current' metal band out there). Why the hell has metal become something like pop music. It's like it has been Simon Cowell-ised. I am all for metal being popular and more main-stream, accepted in society, but it needs to be more like the form of art it is meant to be, not just run like a business to make the record company profit and keep the musician touring constantly so they can just get by.

  5. I think it's rude the way awesome bands open for shite bands. Case in point Dark Tranquillity opened for Killswitch Engage a few years back. That's like AC/DC opening for Airbourne. Back to topic, I have high hopes for Dark Tranquillity's Construct, and also wishing that Akerfeldt starts writing metal stuff for the next record. I felt that Watershed and Ghost Reveries progressed metal to where it needs to go, rather than stagnate where it is currently.

  6. .....I'm hoping the next few shows will be winners: Nile .......
    I saw them live with a local band opening, then Hate Eternal, then Nile came on and absolutely pounded. Nearly everyone who attended was standing outside the venue doors chatting while the first two acts played in front of practically nobody. When Nile started, the little basement was packed, and the difference in sound was incredible. It was like the sound guys suddenly realised they had forgotten something. Or perhaps Nile was just that much better.... :P
  7. I am a reader, and my favourite author is Cormac McCarthy. Ever seen the movies No Country For Old Men or The Road? Both penned by McCarthy. Slated as one of the greatest modern writers, he explores themes that not very many others dare to. His style of 'western/frontier' leaves you with a sense of realism - changes the way that you see the american frontier, natives and mexicans. For something bloody, violent and uncompromising, start with Blood Meridian.

  8. I'm submitting the following: Unas Slayer Of the Gods - Nile (middle riff) User Maat Re - Nile (last part OH MY GAWD weeew weew wew-wew-weeew) Sarcophagus - Nile (last part) The Sun Fired Blanks - Dark Tranquillity (awesome opening) The Gallery - Dark Tranquillity (THAT middle riff) Learning to Live - Dream Theater Crimson - Edge of Sanity (Main riff thingy) Mordet i Grottan - Sorskogen (Akerfeldt/Swano collab. - awesome riff)

  9. Thanks all, especially you BlutAusNerd - I think of all the websites that I have asked for help from, your suggestions have been closest to the mark (not just "I like [TOTALLYUNRELATEDBAND] so check them out" Gave them all a quick listen the other day, just need to put some time aside to delve deeper. I do admit to not owning any real pioneer metal (Black Sabbath, Dio, Iron Maiden (which I feel obliged to!), Judas Priest, Slayer etc). I am possibly just gonna pick a random genre and explore something different...possibly power metal.... Hmmm

  10. Ahoy there, I don't find it very easy to 'get into' new bands (new as in I haven't given many other bands decent attention). My music library is separated into the following (Some bands are not metal, but may give you an idea of what I like):

    • My favourite bands are Nile, Opeth, Dark Tranquillity, and Edge of Sanity.
    • I also really like Alice in Chains, At the Gates, Bloodbath, Deftones, DragonForce (probably just that one song), Dream Theater, Fates Warning, In Flames (I prefer early IF), Killswitch Engage, Lilitu (had one great song), Machine Head (some songs), Tool, A Perfect Circle, Queensryche (just starting them), The Smashing Pumpkins, Trivium.
    • I have (apparently highly-regarded) albums of Amon Amarth, Arsis, Atheist, Blind Guardian, Brujeria, Cannibal Corpse, Carcass, Celtic Frost, Children of Bodom, Cynic, Deicide, Gojira, Insomnium (which I think I can really like) and Morbid Angel. Most of these struggle to get my interest, despite me trawling the internet for hours and finding what I thought were well received albums.

    I want to find a new favourite band, and I really haven't found anything that I really like for at least three years. I am looking for something with a decent-sized discography, great musicianship, melody, riffs and solos. I kinda want to avoid flavour-of-the-month, "listen to this because they are popular", and also 'rarr I am angry and evil and satan devil killing murder widdly widdly chugchugchug'. Please help! Much thanks.

  11. Hi all, I am 'Cambo' and I like metal. Alot. Favourite bands are Nile, Opeth and Dark Tranquillity, and I am a keen follower of many other artists. Favourite kinds of metal are death, tech death, progressive, melodic and Gothenburg. I've joined primarily because I feel the need to broaden my music library and am keenly seeking for my new favourite band. See you around. -Cambo

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