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Posts posted by dreadchampion13

  1. Re: Doom/Death I've just recently been getting into Opeth. I'm so thankful I can listen to youtube at work because I just can't stop listening to Blackwater Park. It took me a few listens to "get" it, but man, I've heard so many other bands blatantly rip off that record.

  2. Re: 5 Reasons Why You Love Metal 1. Agreed with you forge, guitars! 2. It's not popular. I'm so sick and tired of seeing the "cool kids" get into music just because it's "cool". 3. It picks you up when you're feeling down, set you on your feet and tells you to go kick the world's ass. 4. While I don't mind songs about fast cars and women, it's nice to have metal writing about what the real world is like. Things like war, death, anger, etc... 5. Finding other metalheads makes you feel like you've found a long lost relative. Oh what kinship!

  3. Re: The Internet is slowly killing Metal Well, I don't think the internet is killing metal or the music business. It certainly has changed it, but metal is too great of a thing to be killed by the internet. Yeah, there isn't much money in making music anymore. I think we're going to see soon where musicians will have to work in order to save up money to go play at festivals in the way that most people would save up for taking a vacation. But I'm sure there will be a few musicians who master the business and how to make money from multiple sources of income. I think Misha Mansoor and all the guys in Periphery are forerunners in that regard. Fortunately they're touring so people can see them. I've even seen Misha say on his Formspring account that if people don't say that they stole their album, he isn't going to ask if they did. He's aware of how widespread this is. The smart ones are gonna figure out how to do this and still keep the bills paid.

  4. Re: Death To quote Havamal, "Cattle will die. Crops will die. Even the self must die. But the one thing that will never die is the doom of a dead man." I am a Christian, and I do believe in Heaven and Hell. But on top of eternal life, I also believe a way you're made eternal is the way in which you are remembered here on the earth. I watch both my grandma (dad's mom) and my dad die within a year and a half of each other, and while I know I'll see them in heaven again one day, they died full of regret and unforgiveness with things left unsaid and unresolved. To me, the point of death isn't to find out what's on the other side. It's to know that you have a limited amount of time to make an impact in the world. Whether it be for good or evil, that's your choice.

  5. Re: An Idea for a New Project Yeah, great example, Murph. I'm a big fan of that song. Most of Maiden's songs tend to do that. I'll probably be listening to a lot of Pink Floyd's The Wall as I'm doing this, too. That Blind Guardian album Nightfall In Middle Earth is definitely helping me figure this out, too.

  6. Re: An Idea for a New Project Yeah, i know this is gonna take some work. I'm still in a "watershed" kinda phase right now where I'm just listening to a lot of metal to learn the "lay of the land", so to speak. Blind Guardian is one of the groups that I'm listening to right now that's helping me see how to put a story together in a metal context. And yes, I'm a sucker for those choir-like vocals they have on their albums. I've always loved vocals like that, but man, they took it to another level.

  7. Hey y'all, I'm a metal noob according to my profile, but I wanted to run something by you. For the record, I can play guitar/sing/scream, and I've had an idea to try something out in regards to new material I've been working on. For the record, I am a Christian, but as I said in my intro, I'll sit down with ya, shoot the shit, have a drink or three and play air guitar whenever Heading Out To The Highway blares over the P.A. :o Okay, here's my idea. I'm a big fan of groups like Tyr and Amon Amarth where they take the Norse sagas and set them to metal. I'm proud that they're continuing the stories & culture that was snuffed out by, sad to say, Christians. Anyway, one day while being awesome :geek:;) , I had an idea to take some of the stories from the Old Testament and set them to metal, as well. I'm not doing this to get preachy, I'd just like to tell these stories simply as stories. In the Church today, you mention names like Kings David and Solomon and they're almost used as buzzwords to generate a certain response in people. I want to show these people as people with doubts, insecurities, fears, just to show that these are great stories and that these people were human beings. Anyway, any feedback would be appreciated. Keep on rockin' and go kick the world's ass in the name of metal! \mm/

  8. Hey y'all, I'm a metal noob according to my profile, but I wanted to run something by you. For the record, I can play guitar/sing/scream, and I've had an idea to try something out in regards to new material I've been working on. For the record, I am a Christian, but as I said in my intro, I'll sit down with ya, shoot the shit, have a drink or three and play air guitar whenever Heading Out To The Highway blares over the P.A. :o Okay, here's my idea. I'm a big fan of groups like Tyr and Amon Amarth where they take the Norse sagas and set them to metal. I'm proud that they're continuing the stories & culture that was snuffed out by, sad to say, Christians. Anyway, one day while being awesome :geek:;) , I had an idea to take some of the stories from the Old Testament and set them to metal, as well. I'm not doing this to get preachy, I'd just like to tell these stories simply as stories. In the Church today, you mention names like Kings David and Solomon and they're almost used as buzzwords to generate a certain response in people. I want to show these people as people with doubts, insecurities, fears, just to show that these are great stories and that these people were human beings. Anyway, any feedback would be appreciated. Keep on rockin' and go kick the world's ass in the name of metal! \mm/

  9. Re: Huzzah my fellow metalheads!!! sweet. i listened to Bathory a while back, just because there's SOOOOO many groups they inspired. that first album of theirs seems like the metal equivilent of the Beatles on the Ed Sullivan show because so many other people wanted to start a band after listening to that album. i'll be sure to check out some of those other groups, too. have a good day, y'all. Til Valhall, Joseth

  10. Re: Huzzah my fellow metalheads!!! Truth be told, I'm a bit of a late bloomer when it comes to metal. I only discovered it in 2006 after I watched my dad die of stage 4 brain cancer the year before. Now I'm not against classic rock or anything like that, but I needed something new. Something that would pick me up, set me straight, and tell me to go kick the world's ass. After reading articles in Guitar World about groups like Celtic Frost and Immortal, I decided to get on Youtube and have a listen. So I kept on listening and listening. One of the first songs that made me go, "Whoa!" was The Pursuit of Vikings by Amon Amarth. At the time, I had recently discovered that I had Norse ancestry, and after hearing that song, the metal bug officially bit me in the ass. Right now, I'm getting into symphonic/power metal groups like Blind Guardian and Hammerfall recently. I have a background playing in Orchestra in high school, so that epic quality where all the parts come together as a whole really makes sense to me. For the record, I am a Christian, but to me good music is good music no matter how it's presented. I get my Black Metal fix from Emperor and Immortal every now and again just to shut up that lil' devil on my shoulder. Hehehe. And yes, I'm the kinda Christian that'll sit down and have a drink or three with you, shoot the shit, and play air guitar alongside you whenever "Heading Out To The Highway" gets played. Anyways, thanks for the kind welcome to the forum. Til Valhall, Joseth

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