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Anno Domini

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Posts posted by Anno Domini

  1. We are giving away our third album release for free as a thank you to everyone who has supported us over the last 6 years. We are 5 musicians from Sydney in Australia who have been lucky enough to support some of our favourite bands Mayhem, Sybreed, Krisiun and Goatwhore and are soon to support Hypocrisy on their upcoming tour to Australia. The new EP 'The Downfall' was recorded in our studio in Sydney and mixed and mastered by Anno Domini. Download link: www.annodomini.bandcamp.com You don't have to give us your email address to get it for free, we are just giving it to you as a thanks. BUT we would love it if you could like us on Facebook and let us know what you thought of it and where you are from. Cheers, Danny, Iain, Dan, Amir, Kieran Anno Domini Twitter - twitter.com/annodominiband Facebook facebook.com/annodominiband Bandcamp - annodomini.bandcamp.com

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