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Posts posted by john23

  1. Re: Death OK, not kidding on the "deep & meaningful" category! I find that I think about death a lot, and have come to a few guesses based o my own experiences. First off, all anyone personally knows is their own perception, all else is theory. When I was 4, I died for 2 minutes. It took my Mom many years to admit that that was what happened, I think she was trying to protect me from that knowledge for some reason. But I have vivid recollections from that experience that would not go away. It was grey, & there were many stairs in all directions, not following any logical line, like an MC Escher painting. After wandering for a bit, I ran into this guy with curly hair who told me, "What are you doing here? You're not even supposed to be alive to begin with, well, go back, I won't tell anyone." Did this actually happen? Was it just in my head? I am not completely sure either way, but it gives me pause. I do believe that there is something after this, but I am not sure if I even want to know what; I mean, what if my idea of what might be there changes my perception of what is there when I get there? Another way to look at it is this: if there is another plane with all these all-knowing entities, wouldn't existance for them be somewhat boring? The only way for there to be something new would be to take something away. This would explain our world: an experiment of existing without some of their knowledge & power, in order to have a little excitement. This would also explain why no one has ever come back to give us the answers, since the missing answers are the whole point! Believe it or not, I am actually being serious here.

  2. Re: How Metal Affects You Going back to very beginning of this thread, the community of metal is unique, not in its "brotherhood", but how wide the cultural differences are that are spanned. What I mean is, in most other forms of music there is a community, but it started as a community, with people of similar backgrounds. Metal draws from all walks of life. I am not endorsing stereotypes, but usually groups of people who grew up together and had similar experiences ended up with their friends listening to the same types of music. But metal, metal often has to be sought out, or run across by accident, then the individual falls in love with it. This creates a way more diverse sampling of the population in the fanbase. As for the theme of this thread, metal affects me by allowing me to understand my own feelings. I can let go, and just be when I am listening, no need to create some false image for the world. The message to me is: "You are OK, itis the world that is fucked", and that lets me relax.

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