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Posts posted by Metal4EffingEver

  1. Re: hammer fall! Never ban a real fan of Hammerfall, though they do have potential.. Or well, they defiently have more than potential! But they are a bit to melodic for my taste. Never really liked Power Metal. But, some of their choruses are good and their riffs.

  2. Re: what got you listening to metal? It all started with Guitar Hero 3 when I was younger. It was when I heard One by Metallica. Instant love :D . So, for like one year I only listened to Pantera, Slayer and Megadeth and of course Metallica. But now I listen to all Metal. But Metallica is still my fav band.

  3. Re: Avenged Sevenfold I defiently think they are metal. Just not as a heavy as some others. They are really famous and yes, sometimes mainstream. But I think they are really good, though sometimes they can sound a bit too much like Iron Maiden, Pantera or Metallica.

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