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Posts posted by Pandinus

  1. There's a tons of these in Europe, Wve-Gotik-Treffen, Wave-Gotik-Warsaw, Castle Pary, M'era Luna, etc. It frustrates me to no end that the American scene doesn't unify all the darly inclined like in Europe where its all Dark Culture of Schwarze Scene. It keeps us into isolated groups when we could be massive and theres alot of crossover between music fans. This festival would hopefully be a Legend Valley Ranch if enough registered users join the forum (which collects no personal info and even recomendeds protonmail for privacy). If you are in driing distance of Columbus and want to go to an outdoor festival the like of a spectral and spooky and ghastly Electric Forest or Burning Man join the forum and help me make this happen. I'm sick of the hippies and the ravers haing these spectacular otherworldy Cirque Du Soleil type events with Burning Man with all the art installations and everything. That is NOT the only aesthetic, we can make a Everyday Is Halloween type Morbid Macabre Masquerade  type deal. Fire dancers aren't owned by hippies and ravers, and neither are lasers, smoke machines, and all the rrest. If I get enough people to register that are willing to come then I can get the sponsors (Giant Breweries and Microbrews and Liquor Companies generally) to throw money at it enabling the space to be reserved and then vendors dealing in macabre and spooky wares can buy booth space off Etsy and then there is the band budget. So please If you live in Pittsburgh, Philly, Indianapolis, perhaps Chicago if you can stand the drive, Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati, Dayton, Kentucky, West Virginia, Detroit, or anywhere within tolerable driving distance please register to show that a desire for a Dark Burning Man exists and that we can have dark festivals just as spectacular as Europe (WGT gets 60k), I'm hoping for 5,000. If the url is unreadable its https://noxempiriumfestival.org.

    This is a Gloom and Doom spooky type festial, blacklights and bluelights and smoke mahines and spiderwebs and funerary morbid themed. Apologies to those who all are hammers and hellfire, this will be a mellow event and hopefully beautifully gloomy. The genres chosen are more geared toward that vibe.



  2. I'm obviously new to here, been into darker music my whole life. began in the days before there was alternatie and they called it "college rock". I grew up listening to the Cure (i was 12) and progressed in deathrock like Christian Death which I no longer like due to the xtian lyrics, same with Bauhaus. Crossed over into metal through Type-O-Negative and love Draconian and Theatre of Tragedy that things like that. I recently discovered Funeral Doom and love Evoken and recently discovered Atmospheric Black Metal and love Agalloch. As I grow older my mood becomes more doomladen and I'm getting alot more into metal and am coming here to look for bands and inspiration.

    I'm glad this place exists and has so much traffic, one of the things i'm hoping is the Schwarze Scene they have in Europe becomes a thing in the U.S. because I think there's stregth in community and industrial, goths, and metalheads all share a common view of the world. If that came to be we could have more festivals that rival those in Europe.

    Anyway best wishes and regards and I hope this community continues to thrive.


















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