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Posts posted by Bane

  1. No talk about this awesome band?

    L.D. 50 is a masterpiece and Ryan Martinie is one of the greatest bassists of the metal scene.

    Matt McDonough barely gets any attention at all, even though his drummis is insane on their first album.

  2. Hello, Lead bassist of Nil Rovaan here.

    We are looking for both a drummer and a DJ, for our experimental band.
    Quite hard to explain what we want, other than that we are evolving our ideas constantly and want to change things around,
    but also keep what makes us us.

    We love a creepy, eerie atmosphere, probably foggy stage, however we'll be going from chugging like gojira, to playing funky nu-metal stuff.
    We want to be more than just one thing and we also want to be able to blend these things, for an unpredictable experience.

    We are based in Sweden.

    We want a drummer that can not only go fast but also play slower technical stuff. (I'm really bad at explaining drumming lol)
    We do not need an expert, but if you can hold a beat and evolve with us from there, shit message us, we can work things out.
    We have a good idea for what you'll look like, atleast (if you're a man, that is, otherwise we'll rethink it ofc)

    You'll be Porkgrinder, the human pig. More on that, if you're interested, it's only aesthetic anyway.
    We've also had an idea of a circular drum kit, but that is only up for debate and we'd begin thinking of that later on anyway.

    This is all up for debate ofc, if you have your own character, or way of playign that fits the band, we'll ofc look at it all as a band.

    DJ time!
    Turntables, synth, noisemaker and ambiance player.

    Hard to explain, but examples would be a combination of ministry's DJ, incubus DJ and what rammstein's keyboardist does.

    Take sounds/samples from our instruments and shift em around like the magician you are and use em in the songs.

    We also have ideas to plug our instruments, most likely a bass or guitar (or both) into your mixer(?) and let you mix the sound around and make all sorts of trippy stuff.


    So, if you feel like you're qualified by any margin, feel free to message us and make some new friends and connections.

    Any skill level and gender is allowed, don't be shy.

  3. Hello there, Bane here. I'm the lead bassist of Nil Rovaan, a metal band that we probably can't put a genre on lol.

    I'm the funky, alcohol loving, big rig driving dude from Sweden, that you'll never hear about, unless you want to.

    Nice to be here.

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