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Posts posted by Remconan67

  1. Thanks for the replies :) I will promote my band in the promo section. Besides Tool there are lots of bands I listen to. Of course all the classic stuff like Iron Maiden, Judas Priest etc. But I am also into thrash metal with bands as Metallica (before that load monster), Megadeth, Overkill and Testament. Prog Metal is also what I like to hear and the bands that I like are Katatonia. Karnivool, Rush and Sons of Apollo. I also like to keep up with modern metal bands like Gojira and Soilwork.

  2. Hi all. I am Remco de Jong a 51 year old metalhead from the Netherlands. When I started to listen to metal it was the NWOBHM. From there on I kept listening to metal over the years. Favorite band is Tool. Have my own band going on and you can find it in Youtube, Spotify, I tunes etc. under the name Shadow Matter. Hope to do some nice chats here :)

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