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Seriously what is the point of vegetarianism, yes ok it's bad for the enviroment since rainforests are being cut down to make land for cows to live on blah blah but the point is that if you decide to become a vegetarian, 1 person out of 7 billion people in the whole world, it's not going to change whether the world will die or not! sooner or later it could be law to become a vegetarian, ok, thats fair enough, there's lots of reasons why it should be enforced, so in the meantime, why not enjoy the meat while you can! mmmm beef!

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Re: VEGETARIANISM Replace vegetariansm with "feminism" or "ati-rasicm" in your way of reasoning and you'll sound like they guys who though women were too stupid to vote, or that it was ok to have a bunch of black guys do all the heavy work for you. If people don't protest againt what they think is wrong, the world would be a pretty shitty place ;) Arch Enemy recently made a veganism t-shirt with swedish animal rights (it's awesome, I have one) https://www.facebook.com/notes/arch-enemy/arch-enemy-djurens-r%C3%A4tt-animal-rights-sweden-team-up/233619253319401 Angela comments: "Meat is murder. Yes, it is! The way we mass-breed and mass-feed animals damages our environment and our health profoundly and shames our sense of humanity and mercy towards other living creatures. Animals experience fear, panic and pain just as much as we do and yet we cage them in the smallest prisons we can find and ignore their bruises, injuries and natural need to move around... Just so we can gorge on an overdose of animal products every day. Think before you open your mouth and stuff it with a cheap burger that cost us a piece of the rainforest the size of Sweden every single day! Remember our fellow brothers and sisters in the animal kingdom before you blindly consume. Be responsible for yourself and others. Go vegetarian or vegan like myself and make a change for the better!"

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Replace vegetariansm with "feminism" or "ati-rasicm" in your way of reasoning and you'll sound like they guys who though women were too stupid to vote, or that it was ok to have a bunch of black guys do all the heavy work for you. If people don't protest againt what they think is wrong, the world would be a pretty shitty place ;) Arch Enemy recently made a veganism t-shirt with swedish animal rights (it's awesome, I have one) https://www.facebook.com/notes/arch-enemy/arch-enemy-djurens-r%C3%A4tt-animal-rights-sweden-team-up/233619253319401 Angela comments: "Meat is murder. Yes, it is! The way we mass-breed and mass-feed animals damages our environment and our health profoundly and shames our sense of humanity and mercy towards other living creatures. Animals experience fear, panic and pain just as much as we do and yet we cage them in the smallest prisons we can find and ignore their bruises, injuries and natural need to move around... Just so we can gorge on an overdose of animal products every day. Think before you open your mouth and stuff it with a cheap burger that cost us a piece of the rainforest the size of Sweden every single day! Remember our fellow brothers and sisters in the animal kingdom before you blindly consume. Be responsible for yourself and others. Go vegetarian or vegan like myself and make a change for the better!"
the point is this^ and that it's so much better for your health to eat vegetables than meat. there's tons of research about this subject.
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point is though' date=' people have protested and nothings been changed so whats the point?[/quote'] Ever heard the expression "Rome wasn't built in a day"? Big changes take a lot of time and usually a lot of effort. That doesn't mean it's not worth doing. As for "nothings been changed", if you go to the webpage of almost any animal rights orginisation they list their progress. Just one example is the fact that it will be illegal to even sell animal tested cosmetics in Europe after march 2013.
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fair does but how long has the animal rights organisation been going for cause it looks like progress is slow, but point is that me or any of you becoming a vegetarian isn't going to change whether meat gets banned or not, if you somehow manage to convert a million meat eaters than maybe, but otherwise i just think that the contribution is insignificant
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Re: VEGETARIANISM While some people are just thick (Slipknot thread, anyone?) I may as well throw in my two cents.

fair does but how long has the animal rights organisation been going for cause it looks like progress is slow, but point is that me or any of you becoming a vegetarian isn't going to change whether meat gets banned or not, if you somehow manage to convert a million meat eaters than maybe, but otherwise i just think that the contribution is insignificant
While I may not personally be a fan of vegetarianism myself, and iDoubt I'll convert to the cause: Basically, how would they convert people to their cause without practicing what they're preaching? Nobody likes a hypocrite.
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Re: VEGETARIANISM dude i was just kidding about what i wrote on slipknot thread (some ppl take shit too seriously) what do you mean anyway im sure the other guys who are pro vegetarians are vegetarians themselves surely

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Re: VEGETARIANISM I know plenty of vegetarians who have done it through personal choice rather than some big crusade to change the planet. Some just don't like the idea of eating things that were once living. I Know some who have done it for health reasons, other's who have done it because they don't trust where meat has come from and some simply don't like meat. Don't see a problem myself.

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  • 4 months later...

Re: VEGETARIANISM wow this thread is all over the place, it's like half serious half taking the piss, I'm gonna be serious the human race evolved in such a manner that we are perfectly adapted to be omnivores. its not good for our system to eat only meat, nor is it good for us to not eat meat, I think the idealistic vegetarians and vegans have a problem with the meat eating populace only because they think they are better then everyone who eats meat. at the same time there are the idealistic meat eaters who look down on all vegetarians/vegans. the way I see it life is about choices, if you choose to be vegetarian for whatever reason thats okay, its also okay if you don't. personally I like me a great big steak

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Re: VEGETARIANISM I don't get it, personally. Doing it for "health reasons" means that you will either become malnourished from lack of protein and fat in your diet, or you have to eat substantial amounts of the limited non-animal sources that contain them, which usually comes with a great deal of stuff you don't need. Doing it for "animal rights" reasons makes more sense, but the caging/mass prducing aspect is present in all walks of society, and extremism trying to push it to the other side of the spectrum won't change anything. We're driven to consume, and corporations will always favor profitability to ethics, whether it's with food, drugs, manufacturing, construction, or whatever, and until humanity is willing to shell out a bit more expense to do things correctly and/or dethrone the oligarchy driving the world into poverty, nothing will change. In my opinion, the key is balance. If you drink too much water, something we cannot live without, you will die. Even something as essential as that, consumed out of balance, will have a negative impact on your life. Too much bread, meat, produce, cheese, fat, fiber, whatever, all of the things we need work together to keep us living and no part should be skipped. You can't just fill your car up with gas, but never change the oil, tires, fluids, etc... and expect it to keep running, can you?

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Re: VEGETARIANISM no but again its about choice, if someone wants to be vegetarian who are we to tell them its the wrong choice? personally I would hate to live in a world without choice, think of how awful it would be if every decision in your life was made for you, where you never had any say in a matter, it would be like living your entire life as a small child

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Re: VEGETARIANISM People can choose whatever they want, I was just stating that I didn't see the point. I've notices that people seem to get edgy when they feel that their choices are "infringed upon", but even under conflict you can still make that choice. For example, while it is illegal to do so, people still make the choice to kill other people, though I am not stating this to imply any criminal connection with veganism.

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Re: VEGETARIANISM I don't get vegetarianism/veganism either but hey how many people don't get why we listen to metal? it's based on individual preference I think and if they feel better about themselves not eating meat or whatever good for them, but as with those people who get all preachy about religion I don't like the ones that try to push their views on other people

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Re: VEGETARIANISM Not pushing anything, I just don't like people latching onto trends for reasons influenced by popular opinion instead of personal belief. This is why I was stating my opposition to the two leading reasons people present for becoming vegan, because most of the time it's not something they have thought through or actually believe in, it's often motivated by pop culture icons encouraging the change.

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