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3 hours ago, KillaKukumba said:

He's like that generally because he's always under the effect of either alcohol or ice.

Been there before. It was the darkest period of my life and didn't help that I was in love with a girl who was toxic for me and vice-versa. We used to do ice and drink together and one night would turn into three until the next thing you know, you've been awake for five days and even worse, are getting behind the wheel of a vehicle to go geocaching at 4am and the cops want to know what you're doing and why you're acting so damn sketchy. The best decision I ever made for myself was cutting all of that garbage out of my life. I do not miss any of it and the thought of ever touching any of that stuff again fills me with abject terror.

I did not have a hard time quitting. I hated having to go buy ice because it involved an 80mile roundtrip through cop-infested territory and sketchy handoffs in parking lots and 7-elevens. So on May 17th, 2017 I did the last of what I had and then simply never went and got any more. I was depressed for a few days, but then I went and got a full time job and quickly felt a lot better about myself. Sometimes I miss smoking weed, but not enough to go an get my medical marijuana card renewed. I feel like I am in a better frame of mind and more productive without it.

I hope your wife's nephew gets the help he needs before it's too late. Drugs are a one-way ticket to an early grave.

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In the years I spent on the road with bands we had a 24/7 life of load in, set up, drink, do whatever drugs were going around, pull down, load out, drive to the next town. Looking at it now it's a shitty life, but we couldn't be told that at the time. The difference for us was that we did look after each other, we did keep each other out of deep shit. There was cops, there was angry ex's, there was pricks who just wanted to fight with the road crew, but it was our livelihood and we were a family (of sorts) so we looked after each other. As weird as it sounds back then in the 80's drugs were also cleaner, sure everyone remembers that line about the bad acid at Woodstock, but drugs in general weren't cut with such terrible shit.

Someone like my wife's nephew isn't at the stage where he wants help. He thinks the world is against him and his only choice it to live high, so he begs, borrows, steals and generally does whatever it takes to get that next hit. There is many reasons why he ended up on that path and realistically none of them matter now, it's the future that matters but he still can't see past the next hit. Because he rarely has much money he's also one of those addicts that buys the cheapest shit cut with some of the worst additives.

One of this countries biggest failures is the judicial system that keeps letting addicts off. Don't get me wrong I'm not absolving drug users from their crimes, but the cops (most) do their best to keep the peace and keep the drug users off the street. The hospitals do their best at treating them, but the judges keep letting them off with bail or suspended sentences and that helps none of them. But the worst thing is our judicial system protects the fuckwit judges because no judge is held at all accountable for the crimes the person with a hundred priors commits after being let off with another slap on the wrist. Judges should be held accountable for the people they let off, or set free, especially those with long records, we'd certainly get a shit load less paroles and criminals walking the street if they were, but it wont ever happen.

That is a little over simplified and I understand the first step a drug user needs to take is their own because a user has to want to be clean before it will happen. But if the law actually worked there would be more addicts getting the help they need than there is walking the streets committing crimes.

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3 hours ago, KillaKukumba said:

As weird as it sounds back then in the 80's drugs were also cleaner, sure everyone remembers that line about the bad acid at Woodstock, but drugs in general weren't cut with such terrible shit.

I believe that completely. The drugs you got in the 80s were more pure and weren't cut with shit like Fentanyl, of which only I think 3mg is needed to kill a person. Fentanyl cut is the main reason why I will never touch a street drug again in my entire life. If I do decide to go back to pot smoking or taking speed, it's going to be stuff from a dispensary or speed I get from a doctor to treat adult ADHD. I'd never risk putting something in my system again that could be tainted with that shit and everything, even street weed now, is tainted with it because they weigh it out on the same scales and do not fully clean the scales between weighing different drugs. It's a major problem down here in Florida and is why I carry four doses of Narcan with me wherever I go, just in case I happen upon an overdose because people are dropping like flies around here from that shit.



3 hours ago, KillaKukumba said:

One of this countries biggest failures is the judicial system that keeps letting addicts off. Don't get me wrong I'm not absolving drug users from their crimes, but the cops (most) do their best to keep the peace and keep the drug users off the street. The hospitals do their best at treating them, but the judges keep letting them off with bail or suspended sentences and that helps none of them.

Believe it or not, I have no problem with adults who choose to use drugs in the privacy of their own homes. It's when people take drugs and then get behind the wheel of a car or go out in public and start fucking with people that I have a problem with it. When I was doing ice, I used to hate having to leave the house I was using it at and it would frequently cause conflict because everyone would get high and want to go out whereas I just wanted to stay home and listen to music, play video games, or just hang out and talk someone's ear off for hours. I actually think that drugs should be legalized and obtained through dispensaries so that people can get pure, good quality drugs and that they should be able to use them in their own homes however they see fit. Then those drug purchases are taxed and that money is used to fund whatever. Most drugs, when taken responsibly aren't really that dangerous if a person is operating with informed consent. It's when they're buying shit off the street and they don't know how pure/strong it is, what it's cut with, etc that it becomes truly dangerous.

I don't associate with drug users anymore for the purposes of my own sobriety, but I have a soft spot for people who choose to use drugs because I know what it's like. I am a huge proponent of harm reduction strategies like needle exchanges and safe, sterile injection sites. Unfortunately the so-called "authorities" often try to claim that these programs and locations "encourage people to use drugs" which is bullshit on it's face, because I've never known of someone choosing to begin shooting intravenous drugs because of the existence of needle exchange programs.



3 hours ago, KillaKukumba said:

Judges should be held accountable for the people they let off, or set free, especially those with long records, we'd certainly get a shit load less paroles and criminals walking the street if they were, but it wont ever happen.

It sounds like that's a major problem where you are (Australia, right?). The problem with our judges in America is that there is one hell of a two-tiered, "pay to play" (in)justice system where if a wealthy person commits a crime, they pay a fine and never see the inside of a cell for the most part. This effectively allows the wealthy to commit whatever crimes they want and simply "pay to play". Disparities in sentencing for stuff like crack cocaine versus powder cocaine is also an example of this: because crack is used by poor people, it carries a much higher penalty than powder cocaine which is used primarily by wealthy people. Not related to drugs, but right now there's a big to-do in America about how our senators and congressmen are effectively allowed to engage in insider trading whereas someone like me who would do the same thing would be getting time in at least a white collar prison. It comes back to the two-tiered system of (in)justice in America and is a reason why for the most part, police can brutalize people and rarely suffer any sort of a penalty. When I was locked up for 18 days last year, they did not give me the psychiatric medications that I needed and made no attempt to even have me see a jail psychiatrist to get medications for my condition, so my 18 days in the slammer were "interesting" to say the least. I've decided that once I get off of probation, I am going to sue the shit out of the jail and county sheriff's office and I'm not so much expecting to win as I am expecting to at least get some publicity for the cause of mental health & the incarcerated.



3 hours ago, KillaKukumba said:

But the worst thing is our judicial system protects the fuckwit judges because no judge is held at all accountable for the crimes the person with a hundred priors commits after being let off with another slap on the wrist.

It's kind of the same way here. Our judges and police are rarely if ever held accountable for any of the stupid decisions that they make, but then again, we have persecutors who care more about their "record" in securing convictions than they care about doing the right thing and exonerating people when new or further evidence comes along that would exonerate them and get them out of jail or prison. A lot of the time, said persecutors will suppress this evidence so that their precious "records" are not tainted. The criminal (in)justice system in America is remarkably flawed but from what you're telling me, it doesn't seem like it's that much better anywhere else in the English-speaking world for various reasons.

Do you guys get to vote to retain judges like we do in the US or are your judges merely unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats who are appointed by the political elite?

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I don't know if it's a problem in the US but in this country (yes Oz) we have many issues with shit like rat poison, washing powder and just about any other white powdery substance being added to the cut. Pack out the drugs with shit that is not easily distinguishable by eye from the real stuff and get more for every kilo of pure shit you buy. I'm guessing morals are not high on too many dealers lists of qualities but the sort of person that knowingly cuts rats poison into a drug is obviously a first class human!

Alcohol related crime used to be a big thing here, people getting drunk and bashing others, drink driving etc and it still is but drug related crimes have over taken them from what I was reading not long back.

I do simplify the judicial system quite a bit because let's face it people are responsible for their own actions. However when something like 85% of all cases where drugs are a contributing factor are re-offenders and those re-offenders could be anything from something petty like spare change theft to raping and bashing people it's hard not to question the person who lets these people back out on the street with little more than a 'report to police twice a week' clause.

I'm not sure about the very top of the chain, in the High Court, I think those guys are appointed by the government, but I could be wrong. However the judges that hear crimes like drugs, theft, rape, etc are not voted in. I don't know if it's an apply for a vacant position like normal jobs, but the general public certainly don't vote them in. Occasionally the media make a big deal about a judge who has made the wrong decision but it's not often, in fact I'm not sure it's ever happened, where the media, and or public opinion got a judge sacked.


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Street drugs, what a fucking bummer. They were everywhere when I was a teenager. A good few of my friends went through drug habits and came out the other side. Some didn't. One loss in particular is still with me over 20 years later. Not like alcohol is great for one's health, but at least we're not stuck taking our chances on black market pruno.

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9 hours ago, FatherAlabaster said:

One loss in particular is still with me over 20 years later.

This reminds me of my story about quitting all drugs:

I used to smoke a lot of weed. That was the drug that I used more than any other that I ever got caught up in doing. I had a medical marijuana card here in Florida for a little while, so I could go to the dispensary and buy marijuana products & I generally enjoyed them even if they did make me dumber, slower, and less motivated (they made listening to bands like Sleep and Acid Witch sound incredible).

So why did I quit a year ago when I could legally go and buy, possess, and use marijuana products?

A best friend of mine came down with really bad testicular cancer a few years ago. Like really bad where he had to have both of his testicles removed because they swelled up to the size of grapefruits overnight. Instead of trying chemotherapy or radiation, he decided that he was going to try and treat his cancer with cannabis oil. Needless to say, it did not work and the cancer spread to his blood and now he's gone & I'm still trying to get over it and navigate life without having him around. We played disc golf together, he would come over and we'd smoke weed and listen to black metal and stoner metal records, and we'd watch Dr. Steve Brule and laugh our heads off. Now I can't do any of that anymore because he has crossed to a plane that I cannot go.

Maybe I'm in the wrong, but I blame the marijuana advocacy people (who I myself was one and did a lot to get medical marijuana approved in Florida) who incorrectly claim that cancer can be treated with phytochemicals in "whole" cannabis oil. My buddy was already into medical & nutritional woo, but had he just attempted chemo or radiation, he might have lived and I wouldn't always be hurting like this a year after the fact. He was a victim of bullshit, nonsensical information by people who don't know what the hell they are talking about (Marijuana helps with the symptoms of cancer, but it cannot cure cancer or send it into remission otherwise Bob Marley would probably still be alive). Because of this, I have stopped using marijuana even though I like it and I feel like I am better off as a result. I am more motivated, mentally clearer, and overall my attitude is better and my schizoaffective disorder more manageable. Besides, smoking weed just isn't the same without my buddy anymore. Instead of having fun and relaxing, I get paranoid and uptight, feel run-down and depressed when I do it now and oftentimes feel confused and "unprepared" for what life throws at me.

I feel like quitting drugs and taking charge of my mental illness was the best possible decision that I could have made. Do I miss doing drugs? Sometimes... but it's not so much the being on drugs, it's the things I did with other people when I would use. So now I am living the SOBERTOWN USA lifestyle and I feel like it's been a net positive for me, I just wish that I had chosen to do it sooner than 31 years of age because drugs cost me a lot of good opportunities that I had in life, as I prioritized my use of drugs over things like careers, relationships, and personal responsibility.

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3 hours ago, Sheol said:

31 is still quite young.

Oh I'm 35 now, on the way to being 36 in about 6 months. I'm hoping that eventually I can get my criminal record expunged and maybe go for a job with career potential so that I'm not doing McDonald's in my 50s (If I even live to see my fifties as I have a pretty severe mental illness and that shit can take decades off of your life).

I just quit doing ice, coke, drinking, and fooling around with pills at 31. I only quit smoking weed about a year and a half ago because I could still legally do it due to having a medical marijuana card. Believe it or not, just because you have a medical marijuana card it doesn't mean that you won't get drug tested to hold a decent job in construction or the like. I've been thinking about trying to finish college finally (I only need 3 more classes in math, but I have a math-related learning disability that renders math close to impossible for me) & then maybe get my felony expunged after probation and trying to get an actual career even though your mid thirties is far too late to start looking for a real career in most cases.

I'm just hoping that with the money I make now, that eventually I can get my record distro going to the point where I can supplement my income off of that.

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22 hours ago, KillaKukumba said:

He's like that generally because he's always under the effect of either alcohol or ice. Stupid judges keep letting him off with warnings and when he does get put somewhere to help he signs himself out. No one in the family invites him to anything now days but he turns up. This is a guy that at 17 knocked on his grand mothers door with a cross bow and told her he wanted to kill his sister who was living there at the time. All class!

I agree all families have black sheep, it's just a matter how dark those sheep go. Some are controllable, others are out of control.

He's worse than my cousin for sure as my cousin is ok and calm alot of the time,even fun to be around. My cousin gets worse when he stops taking his medication and has recreational drugs like crack cocaine with booze instead. He can't cope with that for long before my cousin does similar stuff like beat up his landlord and trash his apartment for no reason.   the police often get involved for this sort of thing and he's sectioned because of way he's acting. Obviously different system in the UK. Then it repeats again and again. 

It's similar his family won't speak to him accept his dad and a brother. And he's not invited to family events at all as he always kicks off at slightest insult and sometimes just attacks for no reason. My dad got attacked once but that was more to scare my dad. 

He's out of control really and you can't point out errors of his ways at all. It's sad. He had a nice wife who he divorced for no reason.Even had a kid who we don't see as they live in America. 

Family eh 




23 hours ago, NokturnalBoredom said:

Been there before. It was the darkest period of my life and didn't help that I was in love with a girl who was toxic for me and vice-versa. We used to do ice and drink together and one night would turn into three until the next thing you know, you've been awake for five days and even worse, are getting behind the wheel of a vehicle to go geocaching at 4am and the cops want to know what you're doing and why you're acting so damn sketchy. The best decision I ever made for myself was cutting all of that garbage out of my life. I do not miss any of it and the thought of ever touching any of that stuff again fills me with abject terror.

I did not have a hard time quitting. I hated having to go buy ice because it involved an 80mile roundtrip through cop-infested territory and sketchy handoffs in parking lots and 7-elevens. So on May 17th, 2017 I did the last of what I had and then simply never went and got any more. I was depressed for a few days, but then I went and got a full time job and quickly felt a lot better about myself. Sometimes I miss smoking weed, but not enough to go an get my medical marijuana card renewed. I feel like I am in a better frame of mind and more productive without it.

I hope your wife's nephew gets the help he needs before it's too late. Drugs are a one-way ticket to an early grave.

Well done for quitting. I know others who do but it's amazing. 

With my cousin it's literally matter of appreciation of each contact weather on phone or in person. Because he's heading for early grave if he does not treat his body better with all the drugs, bad diet, chain smoking. Another cousin drank himself to death at 43 so I know your right what you say.  It's sad for me as there my cool older cousins 

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22 hours ago, KillaKukumba said:

As they say you can choose your friends but you can't choose your family!

That's true. My family frequently embarrasses me with the stupid shit that they believe, but I'm the black sheep of the family because I was not a "success" in life. I never got married, never had kids (don't really want either though, because then I'll have something that the system can use against me). I've got a felony charge on my record, had drug problems in the past, and am mentally ill. I don't bother talking to my father or his side of the family because they are diametrically opposed to everything about me and what I believe and do & are generally bitter and resentful that I didn't "make them proud" (because apparently the purpose of life is to live it for the benefit of others rather than for the benefit of yourself).

I don't give a shit though. I am largely happy with who I am and what I do. I never wanted to "achieve" anything anyway. I just wanted to be able to do what I wanted, which was rock out and generally get my kicks in before the whole shithouse goes up in flames. I did the college thing for two years, decided not to continue on because I didn't want to be strapped down to inescapable debt that wouldn't get me a job anyway (my former friend from high school has a PhD in English and is working hourly at a Starbucks. My sister double majored in musical performance and audio engineering and has to busk on the Toronto subway but she's fine because her fiancee makes like six figures as an IT guy).

I stopped giving a shit about pretty much everything besides metal in the 10th grade. Then I found drugs and gave a huge shit about getting fucked up for many years, but no longer give a shit about any of that anymore because I see it as an obstacle to the few, small goals that I have. I just like to have money to get the things I want, enjoy my time off from my shitty job for a company I do not believe in, and enjoy good books, music, and old video games from my childhood. My overwhelming goal is to run an online record and t-shirt store. I don't expect to get rich, but I'd like to be able to support myself by doing so. Maybe start my own record label as well.

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On 11/4/2021 at 7:48 PM, NokturnalBoredom said:

That's true. My family frequently embarrasses me with the stupid shit that they believe, but I'm the black sheep of the family because I was not a "success" in life. I never got married, never had kids (don't really want either though, because then I'll have something that the system can use against me). I've got a felony charge on my record, had drug problems in the past, and am mentally ill. I don't bother talking to my father or his side of the family because they are diametrically opposed to everything about me and what I believe and do & are generally bitter and resentful that I didn't "make them proud" (because apparently the purpose of life is to live it for the benefit of others rather than for the benefit of yourself).

I don't give a shit though. I am largely happy with who I am and what I do. I never wanted to "achieve" anything anyway. I just wanted to be able to do what I wanted, which was rock out and generally get my kicks in before the whole shithouse goes up in flames. I did the college thing for two years, decided not to continue on because I didn't want to be strapped down to inescapable debt that wouldn't get me a job anyway (my former friend from high school has a PhD in English and is working hourly at a Starbucks. My sister double majored in musical performance and audio engineering and has to busk on the Toronto subway but she's fine because her fiancee makes like six figures as an IT guy).

I stopped giving a shit about pretty much everything besides metal in the 10th grade. Then I found drugs and gave a huge shit about getting fucked up for many years, but no longer give a shit about any of that anymore because I see it as an obstacle to the few, small goals that I have. I just like to have money to get the things I want, enjoy my time off from my shitty job for a company I do not believe in, and enjoy good books, music, and old video games from my childhood. My overwhelming goal is to run an online record and t-shirt store. I don't expect to get rich, but I'd like to be able to support myself by doing so. Maybe start my own record label as well.

The online store is very good idea. Very inspiring. 👏👏👏 Follow your interests. Good luck with that. 

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Speaking of online stores. Our forward thinking legislators in Australia have just worked out that online liquor sales are becoming an easy way for teenagers to get booze! WHODATHUNKIT!!

During covid online booze sales sky-rocketed and in a country where they'd rather legislate and tax instead of looking at the real problems it was decided that a "Yes I'm 18" or "Enter your birthday" on the first page of a site was sufficient to keep kids off booze sites. Further to that sort of high level security one needs a credit card to order online and kids don't have credit cards.

Obviously a system with no flaws!!

Now it appears kids are not only figuring out a way around these amazing security techniques, they are also lying on the delivery forms and because the delivery company isn't required to prove delivery went to someone of legal drinking age, in some cases they don't even require a signature, kids have worked out how to get pissed without even leaving home.

Online booze sales was always going to be problematic, just like online gambling can be to many people, but in this country as with so many other things it's a case of "we'll fix it later", but now later has come no one has any clue what to do.

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Yeah that about sums it up.

I don't have a problem with racing of any kind, I don't even care about people burning rubber, but if it's done on public roads then I'm happy to see those dickheads locked up.

I nearly killed a couple of wankers about a decade ago. They were using a highway out of Melbourne as a drag strip at 3am one morning and I came around the bend doing about 75kph with 42 tonne on the back to a set of headlights in my lane and a set in the second lane of my side of the highway. I slowed because headlights in your own lane is not something you just barrel headlong into. I know the drivers of both cars could see me, I had 8 spotlights on the bullbar, they couldn't help but see me, but it didn't stop them finishing their race. Both idiots swerved around me when we eventually caught up and we missed each other easily but it's that kind of stupid that takes special powers.


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I think they are the same thing that they call Monkey Bikes here. No idea why they got called that but the name seemed to stick. They are little 50cc bikes with tiny wheels that adults think it's cool to be seen on. They are a huge problem here, not just because the riders are idiots and often not wearing any safety gear but because of the trouble they cause. As you say no lights, no plates, if cops can't see the riders face they pretty much always get away.

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On 11/12/2021 at 1:46 AM, FatherAlabaster said:

Lights are great though, huh? The new thing here is kids riding around on these shitty little dirt bikes. No plates and no lights. It's the dumbest fucking thing.

That's annoying. The sound of them screechy dirt bikes then fact there not using lights. 😱My brother almost hit a kid as they had no lights on there bike and they were on wrong side of road in the middle. It's frustrating.

On 11/11/2021 at 11:25 PM, KillaKukumba said:

Yeah that about sums it up.

I don't have a problem with racing of any kind, I don't even care about people burning rubber, but if it's done on public roads then I'm happy to see those dickheads locked up.

I nearly killed a couple of wankers about a decade ago. They were using a highway out of Melbourne as a drag strip at 3am one morning and I came around the bend doing about 75kph with 42 tonne on the back to a set of headlights in my lane and a set in the second lane of my side of the highway. I slowed because headlights in your own lane is not something you just barrel headlong into. I know the drivers of both cars could see me, I had 8 spotlights on the bullbar, they couldn't help but see me, but it didn't stop them finishing their race. Both idiots swerved around me when we eventually caught up and we missed each other easily but it's that kind of stupid that takes special powers.


That is not a sight you want to see kk. headlights in multiple coming straight at you  I almost got hit by one these boy racers. They did a hand break turn but it went wrong. I had bad feeling about way they driving so got off road quick. They took out a big fence and were not far away from hitting the house. 😣

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I remember being young and bullet proof too, although my time was a bit different because when I first got my license I couldn't afford a fast car. I could speed (just), I could get taily, (only in the wet) and I could drive like a dickhead but it just wasn't that much fun in a matchbox car. As much as I might have been a bit annoyed with my parents who refused to give me money to buy the car I wanted it probably did save my life because I was the sort of person who would have driven like a dickhead boy racer. (although I don't think boy racer was a term back then)

Now days I think my parents insistence that I got a job, paid for my own car, paid for it's upkeep and insure it was a good thing. I was paying something like $3K a year to insure a car that was only worth $6K because I was in the high risk age bracket. But I treated that little shitbox car like gold because as much as my dad taught me how to do mechanics on my cars he didn't ever pay for anything on it, I had to earn my own cash for it. I quickly learned that it was easier and cheaper to not break things.

Once I got in the truck and was forced to do a defensive driving course the dickhead boy racer was really pushed out of me. I wouldn't dare suggest I became the pinnacle of driving excellence and never broke rules, because that just isn't true, but I certainly didn't end up dead or fearful of other drivers like so many seem to be. Since that first defence driving course I've done 5 more over the years, mostly through employers, and even after 5 I still find them fun and wish more people would bite the bullet and realise such courses are not to be ashamed of, they aren't pin pointing participants as bad drivers, they are pin pointing them as drivers who want to improve and everyone can improve somewhere.



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I used to with my mother many years ago. It was the same as smoking, it was just easier to not to come home smelling of such and she wouldn't say anything. But these days my missus would only give me stink eye if I came home reeking of booze and I'd been driving.

The ones that used to really shit me were the women who bitched and moaned when the drivers came into the office to drop off paperwork smelling like smoke, or god forbid smelling like they hadn't showered for 5 days after being on the road away from home for 5 days. These women complained over and over like it was our choice to actually visit them, but because there was nothing they could really do about it they'd retaliate with perfume that you could smell a mile away, or the stinkiest room de-ponger that they could find in the shops.

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    • https://www.metalforum.com/blogs/entry/48-candlemass-the-door-to-doom/
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    • Full length number 19 from overkill certainly makes a splash in the energy stakes, I mean there's some modern thrash bands that are a good two decades younger than Overkill who can only hope to achieve the levels of spunk that New Jersey's finest produce here.  That in itself is an achievement, for a band of Overkill's stature and reputation to be able to still sound relevant four decades into their career is no mean feat.  Even in the albums weaker moments it never gets redundant and the energy levels remain high.  There's a real sense of a band in a state of some renewed vigour, helped in no small part by the addition of Jason Bittner on drums.  The former Flotsam & Jetsam skinsman is nothing short of superb throughout "The Wings of War" and seems to have squeezed a little extra out of the rest of his peers.

      The album kicks of with a great build to opening track "Last Man Standing" and for the first 4 tracks of the album the Overkill crew stomp, bash and groove their way to a solid level of consistency.  The lead work is of particular note and Blitz sounds as sneery and scathing as ever.  The album is well produced and mixed too with all parts of the thrash machine audible as the five piece hammer away at your skull with the usual blend of chugging riffs and infectious anthems.  

      There are weak moments as mentioned but they are more a victim of how good the strong tracks are.  In it's own right "Distortion" is a solid enough - if not slightly varied a journey from the last offering - but it just doesn't stand up well against a "Bat Shit Crazy" or a "Head of a Pin".  As the album draws to a close you get the increasing impression that the last few tracks are rescued really by some great solos and stomping skin work which is a shame because trimming of a couple of tracks may have made this less obvious. 

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