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WeezyThrasher's Achievements

  1. Come check out our jams and Thrash with us!!!! https://www.facebook.com/pages/Pain-Clinic/383616334082?id=383616334082&sk=app_2405167945
  2. I don't know about you but I think it might be time for Metallica to hang up their axes. I didn't mind Death Magnetic and thought it was decent but I am not sure that another album would be the best of ideas. What say you all? I am not a Metallica trend hater or anything, just my honest opinion.
  3. We are Pain Clinic, a Thrash band out of Reno, Nevada. We are a 5 piece warmachine and have come to bring a breath of fresh air to the genre. COME THRASH WITH US! Join our currently small but strong Thrash family! METAL OR DIE TRYING: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Pain-Clinic/383616334082?sk=app_2405167945&app_data
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