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Blog Comments posted by Iceni

  1. Ministry "AmeriKKKant"

    I seem to be one of the few people who correctly predicted that comedy would suck balls during this administration. Very few comedians know how to mock someone like Trump because it's way too easy to just come off as angry rather than amusing (i.e. the George Carlin dilemma) Since the start of his campaign I've counted about 7 good jokes about the man. Most of these good jibes have been either gentle jokes that create humor through stark contrast with the man's character, or searing indictments by conservative religious people who voted against him.

    Anyhow, this review is interesting considering most highly ideological metal has sounded pretty shit - so much that even if I agreed with them I couldn't enjoy it. Elgibbor is a very Christian and very polemic artist but the music is pretty mediocre. I remember Jon Schaeffer's Sons of Liberty being kinda crappy, and this was back was I was really into libertarianism. Halcyon Way started sucking after their first album, and what a pity because they had some real potential.

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