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About TomMusicProject

  • Birthday 10/31/1974


  • Biography
    Hi. I have been involved in music as a single since about 2003. I am currently working on my eleventh album called: CLOUDS
  • Location
  • Interests
    Music, Nature

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TomMusicProject's Achievements

  1. Video clip for the last track in the album: LIGHTHOUSE
  2. Hi. I invite you to listen to the latest completed album. https://tommusicproject.bandcamp.com/album/lighthouse
  3. Another song. So again and again a day early. https://tommusicproject.bandcamp.com/track/08-wakeup-call
  4. So again, and again a day earlier. https://tommusicproject.bandcamp.com/track/07-twilight
  5. Hi. And again tomorrow will be another week since the previous release of the song. Now the new song is here a day early! HAVE A GOOD TIME ! ENJOY ! https://tommusicproject.bandcamp.com/track/06-war-of-roosters
  6. Hi. Tomorrow will be another week since the previous release of the song. Now the new song is here one day early ! ENJOY ! https://tommusicproject.bandcamp.com/track/05-center-of-possibilities
  7. So after a week another song. https://tommusicproject.bandcamp.com/track/04-maximum-assertiveness
  8. So after a week another song. https://tommusicproject.bandcamp.com/track/03-carousel-of-information
  9. Hi. The VEGETATION album is finished, now I'm working on a new album, here are the first two songs: Now that the sale has started, I enjoy working on it more. https://tommusicproject.bandcamp.com/track/01-lighthouse https://tommusicproject.bandcamp.com/track/02-to-the-top https://tommusicproject.bandcamp.com/album/vegetation Enjoy.
  10. Hi. Something to look at and listen to and learn from. 👀
  11. Hi. I have one more novelty here, to which I adjusted the bass frequency.
  12. Hello. Here is the video clip for the song: 06-EXHALATES
  13. Hello, another song for sale and listening. .06-Exhalates
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